4.2 C
sâmbătă, ianuarie 11, 2025

Eleva de la Colegiul Sadoveanu, participanta la un concurs pentru protejarea mediului inconjurator

C.P. YRE este o rețea internațională de tineri elevi care se preocupă de educația pentru o dezvoltare durabilă. Scopul YRE este de a implica elevii în rezolvarea unor probleme privind mediul înconjurător. Pentru a te înscrie în concurs, trebuie să redactezi un articol despre o sursă de poluare și despre cum o poți remedia și să îl distribui pe o rețea de socializare. În acest sens, Murariu Mihaela, elevă în clasa a XI-a E, a redactat un articol despre poluarea râului Siret. Profesor coordonator: Hărățu Elisabeta

Name of author: MURARIU MIHAELA

Age: 17 years old


Country, county, city: ROMÂNIA, IAȘI, PAȘCANI

Coordinating teacher: HĂRĂȚU ELISABETA




            Too many people have said that their state of mind is directly proportional with the beautiful color of the sky. It doesn’t need any experiment to prove that. I know…everybody knows that this is really true. So why do we destroy nature when we can save it and be happy?

The sky is the only one which cannot be directly polluted, but when we destroy the water, the air or the ground, the sky suffers too. The water is very used, like the air. But it is easier to protect than air.

Nichita Stănescu, one of the most outstanding Romanian writers, said: “Man is the nature of nature.” How true can this be?




            If we want to save the sky, we must save, firstly, the natural waters. They have been called “mirrors of the sky” because they fully reflect the beautiful horizon.

For instance, the Siret river, which crosses Moldova’s localities  isn’t blue anymore. It isn’t even dark, light or any blue. Is it a gray-brown river. And we don’t like this. We loved to swim or to dive there; we love to sit on the hot sand and watch how a place can make you the happiest, most relaxed person in the world.



         Researchers have conducted several tests to find how we can manage and use water for our or nature’s health, like: hydrological analysis and calibration of the hydrological model of the basins, quantifying present use and projected future water use, water quality assessment and many others. At the International Conference on Freshwater Governance for Sustainable Development in South Africa held in November 2012, Andrew Tanner, Aurecon’s Special Consultant for Water Resources Management, said:  “There has to be recognition that managing and developing the water resources of a shared river basin requires a different approach from national water management and hinges on a commitment to cooperative governance”. Which means that, although we wish to protect water with our methods, these things must be started out in places, like the governments. Every continent, every state, every country, every county, every city and every village need to start taking action, before it’s too late.

Any problem can be solved when there are people who do something, who truly care about the world’s future. Are there problems which can be solved by themselves? No, there can’t be.

What do you and your friends have to do? You need to recycle your pets, your paper and anything made from plastic. You can’t throw your garbage in any trash on the street! You have no idea how harmful  it is to let your garbage on the ground. If you are on the beach, don’t throw anything in the water. Because water represents 70% of Terra.



  1. http://www.deltadunariionline.ro/article/27321/Raul-Siret
  2. http://www.aurecongroup.com/en/thinking/thinking-papers/ensuring-the-sustainable-use-of-water-resources-to-satisfy-multi-lateral-needs.aspx
